There are currently four types of nodes in the frame tree. You can check the :type property of a node to determine its type:

(case (in node :type)
  # A managed window, which has no children

  # A frame, which contains windows or other frames

  # A virtual desktop, which contains top-level frames (monitors)

  # The root of the frame tree, which contains layouts (virtual desktops)

There's no monitor type though. In Jwno, a monitor is just a special :frame, called a top-level frame. You can check a frame node's :monitor property to see if it's a monitor:

(if-let [monitor (in node :monitor)]
    # It's a monitor
    # It's a normal frame otherwise

For all types of tree nodes, their supported methods can be inspected by peeking inside their prototypes:

(keys (table/proto-flatten node))