To associate a key spec with a command to execute, call the :define-key method from a keymap object, and you can optionally write some description:

(def keymap (:new-keymap (in jwno/context :key-manager)))  # Create a new keymap

# "Win + Shift + Q" is the key spec,
# :quit is the command,
# and the last string argument is the description for this key binding.
(:define-key keymap "Win + Shift + Q" :quit
             "Tell Jwno to exit")

# Again, here we have
# Key spec:    "Win + W  D"
# Command:     :describe-window
# Description: "Show some info..."
(:define-key keymap "Win + W  D" :describe-window
             "Show some info about the current window")

Some commands can accept arguments. To pass arguments to a command in a key binding, put the command's name and its arguments in a tuple, and pass it to :define-key:

# We are instructing Jwno to call the :split-frame command when
# we press Win + , (the comma key).
# :horizontal and 2 are the command's arguments, telling the
# command we want to split the frame into 2 sub-frames,
# horizontally.
(:define-key keymap "Win + ," [:split-frame :horizontal 2]
             "Split current frame horizontally")

# Now Win + . (the period key) is bound to call the same command,
# but with different arguments. It will split the frame vertically
# instead.
(:define-key keymap "Win + ." [:split-frame :vertical 2]
             "Split current frame vertically")