Jwno has its own mini-language to specify key sequences, called key sepcs (yeah I know, how creative). They're written as strings enclosed by quotes. The most basic key spec specifies a single key:


Which means press and then release the Enter key on your keyboard. From that, you can add modifier keys:

"Win + Shift + Enter"

It means hold the Win key and the Shift key, then press and release the Enter key. Ctrl and Alt modifier keys work too, and you can use - to separate key names instead of +. For example:

"Ctrl - Alt - Enter"

Similarly, this means hold Ctrl and Alt, then press and release Enter. All white-space characters are optional when specifying a single key combo, i.e. the keys you press at the same time. Take these key specs as an example:


They are equivalent to the two key specs with white-spaces we've seen above.